Johann Heinrich Schramm

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Johann Heinrich Schramm [1]

doctor and professor of theology, was born March 20, 1676, at Gerkhausen. In 1701 he was appointed professor of elocution, history, and Greek at Herborn; in 1707 he was made member of consistory and preacher at Dillenburg; in 1709 he was appointed professor of theology at Herborn; in 1721 he was called to Marburg, and in 1723 to Herborn, where he died, Jan. 20, 1753. He wrote, Dissertatio Inaug. de Manipulo Hordeaceo, cujus Oblatione Messem suam Auspicabantur Judoei ejusque Mysterio (Frankf. a. O. 1706): — Dissertatio de Holocaustis Judoeorum et Gentilium Κακοζηλία (Herborn): — Dissertatio de Mysterio Holocaustorum ( ibid.): — Dissertatio de Bestia Arundineti ad Psalms 48, 31 (ibid. 1713): — Dissertatio de Vigilibus Veterum (ibid.); etc. See F ü rst, Bibl. Jud. 3, 287 sq.; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Literatur, p. 765. (B.P.)
