Maurus Schenkl

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Maurus Schenkl [1]

a Benedictine of Germany, was born at Auerbach, January 4, 1749. In 1768 he joined his order, received holy orders in 1772, was in 1778 professor of theology at Weltenburg, in 1790 at Amberg, and died June 14, 1816. He wrote, Positiones Theologiae Dogmaticae (Regensburg, 1779- 80): — Positiones ex Theologian Universa (1781): — Positiones ex juare Ecclesiastico Universo et Bavarico (1783): — Ethica Christiana (1800- 1801, 3 volumes): — Institutiones Theologiae Pastoralis (1802; 2d ed. 1803): — Compendium sive Institutiones Ethicae Christiana (1807). See Doring, Die gelehrten Theoloygen Deutschlands, s.v.; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:316; 2:9, 35. (B.P.)
