Christoph Friedrich Sartorius

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Christoph Friedrich Sartorius [1]

a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born October 22, 1701. He studied at Tubingen, was vicar at Ludwigsburg in 1727, in 1730 at Stuttgart, in 1733 preacher and professor at: Bebenhausen. In 1747 he went again to Ludwigsburg, was called to Tubingen in 1755, and took the degree of doctor of theology in 1756. He died December 2, 1785. Sartorius published, Meditationes ad Psalms 53 de Salute ex Zione (Tubingen, 1735): — Positiones Generaliores de Libro Geneseos (1756): — De Messiae Filii Dei Generatione AEterna ex Psalms 2:7 Adverta (1758): — De Sacramentis in Genere (1760): — De Baptismo (1761): — De Sacra Coena (eod.): — De Lege Ceremoniali (1762): — Vindiciae Cantici Canticorum (1765): — Diss. Exegetica Super Psalms 19 (1766): — Theologumena Symbolica (1769-71): — De Utilitate Vet. Test. etc. (1772): — Diss. ad Dictum Christi Matthew 5:1-19 (1773). See Doring, Die gelehrten Theologen Deutschlands, s.v.; Furst, Bibl. Jud. s.v. (B.P.).
