Martin Ruter
Martin Ruter [1]
a minister and instructor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was born in Charlton, Mass., April 3, 1785. In 1801 he was admitted into the New York Conference, and in 1818 was appointed in charge of the Newmarket Wesleyan Academy, afterwards removed to Wilbraham. In 1828 he became president of Augusta College, where he remained until August, 1832. In 1834 he accepted the position of president of Allegheny College, and held it until 1837, when he was appointed superintendent of the Texas mission, where he formed societies, secured the building of churches, and laid out the greater part of the state in circuits. His death took place May 16, 1838. He published a Hebrew Grammar: — a History of Martyrs: - an Ecclesiastical History: — Sermons: — and Letters. See Simpson, Cyclop. of Methodism, s.v.