Solomon C. Perry

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Solomon C. Perry [1]

a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was born in what is now called East Attleborough, Mass., May 27, 1807. His parents were members of the Congregational Church, and exceedingly rigid in their theological creed and strict in their morals. His early education was such as a New Eng. land rural neighborhood and the times afforded. He passed his youth mostly with his father on the farm. When quite a young man he was awakened to the dangers of an unregenerated state, and, encouraged by an uncle who was a Methodist preacher, began to attend Methodist meetings. To do this, however, he had to travel seven miles, there being no Methodist church within that distance from his father's house. It was while making this journey on a certain occasion that he was converted. Soon after he felt called of God to preach, and attached himself as a student to the Wilbraham Academy, then under the care of the late Dr. Fisk. At the termination of his preparatory course he entered, a year in advance, Brown University, under the presidency of Dr. Wayland. After his graduation he taught at Swinburn's Academy, a very flourishing institution at the time, in the village of White Plains, N. Y. He was licensed as a local preacher. He joined the New York Conference in 1838, and his successive fields of labor were, for the years 1838, 1839, Yonkers; 1840, Durham and Middlefield; 1841, Stratford and Bridgeport; 1842, Bridgeport; 1843, Bushwick; 1844, 1845, Peekskill; 1846, 1847, New York, Twenty-seventh Street; 1848, 1849. Yonkers and Kingsbridge; 1850, 1851, New York, Fiftieth Street; 1852, Red Hook; 1853, 1854, Salisbury; 1855, 1856, Yorkville; 1857, 1858. Tremont; 1859, Washington Heights. In the year 1830 he was made supernumerary, and in 1861 he was superannuated, in which relation he continued until the time of his death, March 6, 1872. "Mr. Perry was a sound theologian, an excellent preacher, an earnest Christian, and in every sense a safe, conservative man. The transparency and purity of his character were singular and distinctive. In his death the ministry has lost one of its most faithful laborers, the Church has been deprived of the presence and influence of one who was devoted to her interests, and whose uniform consistency and integrity reflected upon her the greatest credit; and the fragrance of his good name and exemplary life will ever be grateful to our memories and yield us unceasing satisfaction" (N. Y. Christian Advocate, May 23, 1872).
