Innocent Netchaef

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Innocent Netchaef [1]

a Russian prelate and writer, was born in 1722, and was educated for the Church; and, after filling various offices of distinction, was made archbishop of Pskof and of Riga. He died at St. Petersburg, January 24, 1799. Netchaef is known as the author of several Sermons, published by the holy synod in 1775, to be read in the pulpit; and by the following works: Of the Manner of Confessing Children (Moscow, 1769 and 1795, 8vo): — Counsels of a Bishop to a Priest (St. Petersburg, 1790 and 1795): — Preparations for Death (St. Petersburg, 1793). The celebrated poet Derjavin has composed the epitaph of Netchaef's tomb, which may be seen in a cell of St. Alexandre-Nevski. See Dictionnaire historique des ecrivains ecclesiastiques de l'Eglise Greco-russe, s.v.
