Xantis Mariales

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Xantis Mariales [1]

an Italian theologian, was born at Venice at the close of the 16th century. He belonged to a patrician family of the Pinards. He was appointed lecturer at Padua, and afterwards inspector of the schools. These offices he filled till 1624, when he retired in order to give his whole time to politics. His zeal for Rome and his hatred towards France caused his expulsion from his native country twice. He retired to Boulogne, afterwards obtained his recall from banishment, and died in April, 1660. We give him place here mainly on account of his many theological productions. The most important are Controversie ad universan summam Theologiae St. Thomae Aquinatis (Venice, 1624, fol.): — Biblioth. Intepretun ad univ. sum s theol. St. Thomae (Ven. 1660, 4to): — Stravaganze nuovanzente segnite nel Christianissimo regno di Francia (Colossians 1646 4to): — Enormita inaudita nuovamente uscite in luce nel Christianismo regno di Francia, contra il decoro delta sede apostolica Romana in due libri intitolati; l'uno: Dell' arrogante potesta de Papi in difesa della chiesa Gallicana; I'altro Del Dititto della Regalia (Frkf. 1649,4to). — Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, 33:615.
