Henri Louis Chasteignier De La Rocheposay

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Henri Louis Chasteignier De La Rocheposay [1]

a French prelate, son of Louis Chasteignier, was born September 6, 1577, at Tivoli, Italy. Having been educated by the celebrated Scaliger, he received at Rome the four minor orders in 1596, and the priesthood at Paris at the hand of Henry de Gondi, who was then cardinal of Retz. Coadjutor of Geoffroi de St. Blin, bishop of Poictiers, he succeeded him in 1611, and bore witness three years later to his fidelity to the king byopposing the entrance of the prince of Conde and his troops. The conduct of this prelate appears little in conformity with the canons, and gave rise, on the part of the celebrated Jean du Vergier de Hauranne, abbot of St. Cyran, to a defence, ingenious as well as paradoxical: Apologie pour Messire Henri Chasteignier de la Rocheposay, etc. (1615). La Rocheposay assisted at the assembly which was held at Rouen in 1627, under the presidency of Gaston of France, then at the synod of Bordeaux, and at the general assembly of the clergy in 1628. He occupied himself zealously in trying to purge Poitou of the doctrines of Calvin. He died July 30,1651, leaving several works, as Recueil des Axiomes de Philosophie et de Thiologie: — Remarques Frangaises sur St. Jattkieu (Poictiers, 1619): Exercitationes in Marcumn, Lucam, Joannem et Acta Apostolorum, etc. (ibid. 1626): — In Genesina (1628): — In Librun Job (eod.): — In Exodum et in Libros Numearorum, Josue et Judicum (1629): — In Prophetas Majores et Minores (1630): — Dissertationes Ethico-Politicc — See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
