Thomas Jones

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Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [1]

an English divine, was born in 1729, and educated at Queen's College, Cambridge. He was chaplain at St. Savior's, Southwark, and is noted for his deep piety and great exertions in behalf of the conversion of the masses at a time when the English pulpit was in that deep lethargy from which Wesley and his coadjutors first earnestly aroused it. Like the Wesleyans he met with much opposition in his noble efforts, and "his sweetness of natural temper," says his biographer, "great as it was, would never have supported him under the numberless insults he met with had it not been strengthened, as well as adorned, by a sublimer influence." His health finally gave way under his extraordinary labors, and he died, while yet a young man, in 1761. — Middleton, Evang. Biog. 4, 380.
