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Smith's Bible Dictionary [1]

Jezi'ah. (Whom Jehovah Expiates). A descendant of Parosh, who had married a foreign wife.  Ezra 10:25.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [2]

One who had married a strange wife.  Ezra 10:25 .

Holman Bible Dictionary [3]

 Ezra 10:25

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [4]

(Heb. Yizziyah', יַזַּיָּה, for יַזַּיאּיָהּ, Sprinkled by Jehovah; or perhaps to be written יַזְיָה, Yizyah ', for יְזַיאּיָהּ, Assembled by JEhovah , (See Jeziel); Sept. Ἀζία,Vulgate Jezia), an Israelite, one of the "sons" of Parosh, who divorced his Gentile wife after the exile ( Ezra 10:25). B.C. 459.
