George Gregory

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George Gregory [1]

an English divine, son of the prebendary of Ferns, in Ireland, was born in 1754, and was educated at the University of Edinburgh. In 1778 he took orders, and became a curate at Liverpool; in 1782 he removed to London, where he obtained the curacy of St. Giles, Cripplegate, and was chosen evening preacher of the Foundling Hospital. Lord Sidmouth in 1304 procured for him the living of Westham, in Essex, which Dr. Gregory held till his death in 1808. Among his works are Essays, historical and morral : — History of the Christian Church (Lond. 1790, 2 vols, 12mo) : — - Sermons, with a Treatise On the Composition of a Sermon (Lond. 1787, 8vo) : — a translation of Lowth's Lectures on Hebrew Poetry (Lond. 1787, 2 vols. 8vo). — Darling, Cyclop. Bibliog. i, 1323.
