Daniele Farlatti

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Daniele Farlatti [1]

an Italian Jesuit, was born at San Daniele in Friuli in 1690. He studied at Bologna, was for some time at Rome, and in 1722 was called to Padua to assist Riceputi in preparing his history of the Illyrian Church. For twenty years he arranged the material, and after Riceputi's death, in 1742, he commenced the publication of the work, of which he edited four volumes, while four more volumes were published after his death, April 23, 1773, by Coleti.. The title of the work is Illyricum Sacrum (Venice, 1751-1819, 8 volumes). The fifth volume contains a biography of Farlatti. See Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v. (B.P.)
