Francois De Enghein

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Francois De Enghein [1]

a Belgian theologian, was born at Brussels in 1648. He took the habit of a Dominican at Ghent, and finished his studies at Louvain, where he was made doctor of theology, January 21, 1685, and taught successively philosophy and theology. Having become director of the studies of his order, he assisted at the chapter-general which assembled at Rome in 1694, and after a very long sojourn with pope Clement XI. came back in 1703 to take up again his functions at Louvain. In 1706 he refused the bishopric of Antwerp, and retired to Ghent, where he spent the rest of his days in study, and died November 9, 1722, leaving, De Potestate Ecclesiastica (Cologne, 1685): — Auctoritas Sedis Apostolicae (ibid. 1689): — Vindiciae Adversus Avitum Academicum: — De Doctrina S. Thomae ad Gratiam Eficacem (Louvain, 1703): — Contra Constitutionena Sedis Apostolicae Unigenitus (Ghent, 1715). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
