Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich (Or Dietricy)

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Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich (Or Dietricy) [1]

Dietrich (or Dietricy), Christian Wilhelm Ernst

a German artist, was born at Weimar, in Saxony, October 30, 1712, and studied under Alex. Thiele. He was sent by the king, with a pension, to Italy. He painted scriptural and historical subjects well, his chief pictures being Lot and his Daughters; Abraham Going to Sacrifice Isaac; The Nativity; The Adiration of the Shepherds; The Taking Down from the Cross; St. Jerome Writing; Christ Appearing to Magdalene; The Flight into Egypt; The Circumcision. He died at Dresden, April 24, 1774. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.; Spooner, Biog. Hist. of the Fine Arts, s.v.
