George Deane
George Deane [1]
an English Congregational minister, was born at Wells, Somerset, in 1838. After receiving his education in Cheshunt College and. London University, in 1862 he took charge of a church at Harrold, in Bedfordshire, at the same time continuing his course in London University. In 1869 he was appointed professor of mathematics in Spring Hill College, and the following year professor of Hebrew and Old-Testament exegesis. In 1877 he became resident tutor. For four years he served as teacher of the geological Class in the Midland Institute. He died July 7, 1891. He was a fellow of the Geological Society; a member and at one time president of the Natural History and Microscopical Society, and also a member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. See (Lond.) Cong. Year- book, 1892.