Cornelius Crocus

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Cornelius Crocus [1]

a Dutch theologian and scholar, a native of Amsterdam, was appointed rector of the Latin schools of his native city, and labored zealously to inspire his pupils with a love for the Catholic religion. At the age of fifty he went to Rome, entered the Jesuit society, and died there in 1550. His principal works. are, Farrago Sordidorum Verborum (Cologne, 1520): — De Fide et Operibus (Antwerp, 1531): — Disputatio contra Anabaptistas (ibid. 1535): — Josephus Castus (ibid. 1548): — Paraclesis ad Capescendan Sententiam Josephi Casti (ibid.): — De Vera Ecclesia (Cologne, 1548). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generate, s.v.; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v.
