Dom Remy Ceillier

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Dom Remy Ceillier [1]

an eminent French theologian, was born at Bar-le-Duc in 1688. He entered the order of St. Benedict in 1705, and became titular prior of Flavigny. In 1718 he published, Apologie de la morale des Peres de l'Eglise, contre Jean Barbeyrac; but the work of his life was his Histoire Generale des Auteurs Sacres et Ecclesiastiques (1729-1763, 23 vols. 4to) — a work more complete, and perhaps more accurate than that of Dupin, although inferior to him in the analysis of books. A new edition has appeared (Paris, 1860-65, 15 vols. 8vo), with additions, but unfortunately thus far without general indexes. The chief superiority of Ceillier over Dupin lies in his treatment of the writers of the first six centuries, in which he had the use of Tillemont, and also of the Benedictine editions of the fathers. In the Middle Ages, and especially in the scholastic theology, for which he had no taste, he does not equal Dupin. Ceillier died Nov. 17, 1761. — Biog. Universelle, s.v.
