Samuel Cartledge

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Samuel Cartledge [1]

a Baptist minister, was born at Pedee, N.C., in June, 1750. When he was about thirteen years of age his father removed to Columbia County, Ga. He received his religious impressions under the exhortations of Mrs. Marshall, wife of Rev. Daniel Marshall, when her husband, in 1771, was arrested for preaching in St. Paul's parish, and was baptized by Mr. Marshall in 1777. Although for many years he had been very active in promoting the interests of his denomination, he was not ordained till 1789, and soon after removed to South Carolina, where he was pastor of Plumb Branch Church about fifty years. In 1843 he visited Columbia County, Ga., on horseback, and preached as usual, but was thrown from his horse, and died soon afterward. See Campbell, Georgia Baptists; Haynes, Baptist Cyclop. 1, 153. (J. C. S.)
