Charles Bulkley

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Charles Bulkley [1]

a Dissenting minister, was born in London 1719, and educated under Doddridge at Northampton. His first pastoral service was among the Presbyterians, but he finally joined the General Baptists, and became pastor of a congregation in London, where he died 1797. He published Discourses (Lond. 1752, 8vo): Notes on Bolingbroke's Writings (Lond. 1755, 8vo): The Economy of the Gospel (Lond. 1764, 4to): Discourses on the Parables and Miracles I (Lond. 1771, 4 vols. 8vo): Notes on the Bible (Lond. 1802, 3 vols. 8vo). Darling, Cyc. Bib. 1, 476.
