Andrew Morton Brown

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Andrew Morton Brown [1]

an English Congregational minister, was born in the parish of Loudoun, Ayrshire, Scotland, March 12, 1812. He was educated at Glasgow and Edinburgh, in the latter place having for his instructors Prof. Wilson ("Christopher North") and Dr. Chalmers. He was first engaged in mission work in London, but soon removed to Overton, Hampshire, to take charge of a small village church. In 1837 he removed to Poole, to become the co- pastor, with the Reverend Thomas Durant, of a large Church in that place. On January 8, 1843, he settled as pastor of the Independent Church at Highbury Chapel, Cheltenham. Here he labored with eminent success both in religious and political work. He was regarded as:the champion of liberal principles in Cheltenham. In 1854 he was elected chairman of the Congregational Union of England and Wales. He died in the midst of his labors, July 17, 1879, having been absent from his pulpit but one Sunday. His literary works include contributions to the press of Cheltenham and London, and several volumes. Among them are, A Wreath around the Cross: — Salvation, and the Way to Secure it: — Evenings with the Prophets: — Leader of the Lollards: — Peden the Prophet: — The Life of the Reverend J. Rogers: — and, in conjunction with Dr. Ferguson, an edition of The Life and Labors of John Campbell, D.D. See (Lond.) Cong. Year-book, 1880, page 310.
