Johann Friedrich Le Bret

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Johann Friedrich Le Bret [1]

a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born at Unter-Turkheim, near Canstadt, November 19, 1732. He studied at Tubingen, travelled through Italy, and acted as tutor at Venice from 1757 to 1761. In 1763 he was appointed professor at the gymnasium in Stuttgart, and in 1779 professor at the military academy, and at the same time member of consistory and first ducal librarian. In 1782 he was made chancellor of the famous Charles' School, and in 1786 chancellor of the Tubingen University, first professor of theology and provost of St. George's. He retired from his office in 1806, and died April 6, 1807. He published, Diss. Hist. Eccl. de Statu Prcesenti Ecclesiae Graecae ini Dalmatia, quae Vitum Slavo-Servicum Sequitur (Stuttgart, 1762): — Act. Eccles. Graecae Amnorum 1762-63 (ibid. 1763): — Progr. de Consensu Ecclesiae Polonicae Dissidentium cum Ecclesia Wurtemberygca (ibid. eod.): — Progr. de Antiquo Codice Hebraico (ibid. 1765): — Diss. de usu Versionis Latinae Veteris Test. in Ecclesia Christiana (Tubingen, 1786). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:546, 695, 746, 867, 901; Doring, Die gelehrten Theologen Deutschlands, 1:169 sq. (B.P.)
