William Blackburn

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William Blackburn [1]

an English Congregational minister, was born at Garstang, Lancashire, in 1797, of poor Roman Catholic parents. At an early age he was apprenticed in a large machine establishment in Preston, and, being invited, he attended a Protestant prayermeeting, and soon after was converted. At the close of his four years' course at Rotherham College, Mr. Blackburn accepted an invitation to the pastorate of Silver-street Chapel, Whitby, where he was ordained in 1821. and labored until 1838, when he removed to Bamford, near Rochdale. After an eight years' pastorate at this place, he became secretary and general superintendent of the Manchester City Mission. Thence, after years of unremitting labor, he retired to Southport, where he died, Oct. 18, 1826. In Mr. Blackburn's character zeal, prudence, firmness, and kindness blended in a remarkable degree. See (Lond.) Cong. Year- book, 1863, p. 211.
