William Bean
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William Bean [1]
an English Congregational minister, was born at Bridgewater. Nov. 19, 1800. He was converted early in life, educated by private tutors, and was ordained pastor at Whitchurch, Hants. Thence he removed to Hope Chapel, Weymouth, where his pastorate continued eight years, after which he became pastor of Livery-street Chapel, Birmingham. On removing to London, he was for twelve months evening lecturer at Clapham Common. Mr. Bean's final charge was at Worthing where he labored from 1855 to 1863, and then retired to London, where he died, Nov. 14, 1871. Mr. Bean had a commanding presence, great energy of character, and a warm and brotherly heart. See (Lond.) Cong. Year-book, 1872, p. 306.