Abijah Richardson Baker

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Abijah Richardson Baker [1]

a Congregational minister, was born in Franklin, Mass., Atug. 30, 1805. He was prepared for college in Medway and Bradford, Mass., and graduated at Amherst in 1830, and at Andover Theological Seminary in 1835. From 1836 to 1837 he was a teacher in Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; and was ordained in 1838 as pastor of the First Trinitarian Congregational Church in Medford, continuing in that position until 1848. The following year he was agent of the Massachusetts Sabbathschool Society. In 1851 he was installed in Central Church, Lynn, Mass., remaining until 1854, when he became acting-pastor of the West Needham Church. He left in 1861, and in 1864 was acting-pastor of E Street Church, South Boston, where he continued until 1866, when he removed to Dorchester, Mass., without charge. Here he died, April 30, 1876. In addition to a number of sermons, he was the author of a School History of the United States; and was the editor of six volumes of The Mother's Assistant, and of as many volumes of Happy Home. His wife was widely known by her writings, under the nom de plume of "Madeline Leslie." See Congregational Quarterly, 1877, p. 408, 569.
