Reihhard Bachor Von Echt

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Reihhard Bachor Von Echt [1]

a German theologian, was born in 1544. He became burgomaster of Leipsic, where he established himself as a trader; but later he was banished from that place for his Calvinistic doctrines, and was welcomed at Heidelberg, where he died in 16i4. He wrote, Catechesis Palatinatus Testimoniis Scripturce ac Sententiis Patrum qui Primis 100 a C. N. A nnis in Ecclesia claruerunt Ornata. His son bearing the same name, was born at Leipsic in 1575. He was a distinguished jurist and professor at Heidelberg in 1613. Deprived of his employment during the Thirty Years' War, and obliged to withdraw to the Palatinate, he went to Heilbronn in 1662, and later returned to Heidelberg, where he devoted himself to the study and preparation of his works. According to several writers, he abjured the Catholic faith before, his death, and embraced the doctrines of Lutheranism. .He wrote Notae et Animadv. ad Trentleri Disput. (Heidelberg, 1617-19), and several other works. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
