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Holman Bible Dictionary [1]

 Job 41:1-2 Isaiah 19:8 Matthew 17:27 Matthew 1:15 Amos 4:2  2 Chronicles 33:11

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): ( n.) A hook with a pendant, to the end of which the fish-tackle is hooked.

(2): ( n.) A hook for catching fish.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [3]

fish´hook ( סּיר דּוּגה , ṣı̄r dūghāh , חכּה , ḥakkāh ): The word "fishhooks" occurs but twice in the American Standard Revised Version ( Job 41:1;  Amos 4:2 ). In other passages the word hook or "angle" is applied to this instrument for fishing ( Isaiah 19:8;  Job 41:2 ). The ancient Egyptian noblemen used to amuse themselves by fishing from their private fishpools with hook and line. The Egyptian monuments show that the hook was quite commonly used for catching fish. The hook is still used in Bible lands, although not as commonly as nets. It is called a ṣinnârat , probably from the same root as cinnāh , the plural of which is translated hooks in  Amos 4:2 . In  Matthew 17:27 , ἄγκιστρον , ágkistron (literally, "fishhook"), is rendered "hook."
