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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

Adami-Nekeb . ‘The pass Adami’ (  Joshua 19:33 ), on the border of Naphtali. Neubauer and G. A. Smith identify it with ed-Damieh , 5 miles S.W. of Tiberias. See Adamah.

G. L. Robinson.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [2]

ad´a -mı̄ nē´keb אדמי הנּקב , 'ădhāmı̄ ha - neḳebh , "the ground of the piercing," that is of the pass, or defile): A place mentioned in indicating the border of Naphtali ( Joshua 19:33 ). In the King James Version, Adami and Nekeb are given as separate names, and it is an open question which view of the matter is correct. Most of the Greek texts give the names as two. The Vulgate has "Adami quae est Neceb." The Jerusalem Talmud gives two names, though instead of Hannekeb or Nekeb it has Ṣı̄yadāthāh (Meg 1 1, or Neubauer's Geog du Talmud , 225). In the list of places conquered by Thothmes Iii of Egypt occurs the name NḲBU (Tomkins, Rec of Past, new series, V, 47), which seems to be the same with Neḳeb .

The list of names for the border of Naphtali ( Joshua 19:33 ,  Joshua 19:34 ) has no name in common with the list of cities ( Joshua 19:35-38 ) unless Adami and Adamah are the same. The Pe S urvey maps locate Adamah at Damieh, about seven miles northwest of the exit of the Jordan from the Lake of Galilee, and Adami at Khurbet Adamah, five or six miles south of the exit. Conder, Tomkins and others place Adami at Damieh, and identify Nekeb by its Talmudic name in the neighboring ruin Ṣeiyâdeh . Conder says (art. "Nekeb," HDB ) that the "pass" implied in the name Nekeb "is probably one leading from the eastern precipices near Tiberias."
