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Morrish Bible Dictionary [1]

An inhabitant of Adullam  Genesis 38:1,12,20 .

Easton's Bible Dictionary [2]

 Genesis 38:1,12,20

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [3]

(Heb. Adullami’, עֲדֻלָּמַו , Sept. Ο᾿δολλαμίτης ), probably an inhabitant of the city called ADULLAM (See Adullam) ( Genesis 38:1;  Genesis 38:12;  Genesis 38:20).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [4]

a -dul´am -ı̄t : The gentilic adjective of Adullam . It is used only of Judah's friend Hirah ( Genesis 38:1 ,  Genesis 38:12 ,  Genesis 38:20 ).
