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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: μαρτυρέω (Strong'S #3140 — Verb — martureo — mar-too-reh'-o )

for which see Witness , is frequently rendered "to bear witness, to witness," in the Rv, where Av renders it "to testify,"  John 2:25;  3:11,32;  5:39;  15:26;  21:24;  1 Corinthians 15:15;  Hebrews 7:17;  11:4;  1 John 4:14;  5:9;  3 John 1:3 . In the following, however, the Rv, like the Av, has the rendering "to testify,"  John 4:39,44;  7:7;  13:21;  Acts 26:5;  Revelation 22:16,18,20 .

2: ἐπιμαρτυρέω (Strong'S #1957 — Verb — epimartureo — ep-ee-mar-too-reh'-o )

"to bear witness to" (a strengthened form of No. 1), is rendered "testifying" in  1 Peter 5:12 .

3: μαρτύρομαι (Strong'S #3143 — Verb — marturomai — mar-too'-rom-ahee )

primarily, "to summon as witness," then, "to bear witness" (sometimes with the suggestion of solemn protestation), is rendered "to testify" in  Acts 20:26 , Rv (Av, "I take ... to record");  Galatians 5:3;  Ephesians 4:17;  1 Thessalonians 2:11 , in the best texts (some have No. 1), Rv, "testifying" (Av, "charged").

4: διαμαρτύρομαι (Strong'S #1263 — Verb — diamarturomai — dee-am-ar-too'-rom-ahee )

"to testify or protest solemnly," an intensive form of No. 3, is translated "to testify" in  Luke 16:28;  Acts 2:40;  8:25;  10:42;  18:5;  20:21,23,24;  23:11;  28:23;  1 Thessalonians 4:6;  Hebrews 2:6; "to charge" in  1 Timothy 5:21;  2 Timothy 2:14;  4:1 .

5: προμαρτύρομαι (Strong'S #4303 — Verb — promarturomai — prom-ar-too'-rom-ahee )

"to testify beforehand," occurs in  1 Peter 1:11 , where the pronoun "it" should be "He" (the "it" being due to the grammatically neuter form of pneuma; the personality of the Holy Spirit requires the masculine pronoun).

 Revelation 22:18Witness.

King James Dictionary [2]

Test'Ify, L. testificor testis and facio.

1. To make a solemn declaration, verbal or written, to establish some fact to give testimony for the purpose of communicating to others a knowledge of something not known to them.

Jesus needed not that any should testify of man, for he knew what was in man.  John 2 .

2. In judicial proceedings, to make a solemn declaration under oath, for the purpose of establishing or making proof of some act to a court to give testimony in a cause depending before a tribunal.

One witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die.  Numbers 35

3. To declare a charge against one.

O Israel, I will testify against thee.  Psalms 1

4. To protest to declare against.

I testified against them in the day wherein they sold victuals.  Nehemiah 13

Test'Ify, To affirm or declare solemnly for the purpose of establishing a fact.

We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen.  John 3 .

1. In law, to affirm or declare under oath before tribunal, for the purpose of proving some fact. 2. To bear witness to to support the truth of by testimony.

To testify the gospel of the grace of God.  Acts 20

3. To publish and declare freely.

Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance towards God and faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ.  Acts 20

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(1): ( v. i.) To declare a charge; to protest; to give information; to bear witness; - with against.

(2): ( v. t.) To bear witness to; to support the truth of by testimony; to affirm or declare solemny.

(3): ( v. t.) To affirm or declare under oath or affirmation before a tribunal, in order to prove some fact.

(4): ( adv.) In a testy manner; fretfully; peevishly; with petulance.

(5): ( v. i.) To make a solemn declaration under oath or affirmation, for the purpose of establishing, or making proof of, some fact to a court; to give testimony in a cause depending before a tribunal.

(6): ( v. i.) To make a solemn declaration, verbal or written, to establish some fact; to give testimony for the purpose of communicating to others a knowledge of something not known to them.
