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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: κοσμέω (Strong'S #2885 — Verb — kosmeo — kos-meh'-o )

is translated by the verb "to garnish" in  Matthew 12:44;  23:29;  Luke 11:25; and in the AV of  Revelation 21:19 . See Adorn.

King James Dictionary [2]


1. To adorn to decorate with appendages to set off.

All within with flowers was garnished.

2. To fit with fetters a cant term. 3. To furnish to supply as a fort garnished with troops. 4. In law, to warn to give notice. See Garnishee.

G`ARNISH, n. Ornament something added for embellishment decoration.

Matter and figure they produce

For garnish this, and that for use.

1. In jails, fetters a cant term. 2. Pensiuncula carceraria a fee an acknowledgment in money when first a prisoner goes to jail.

Easton's Bible Dictionary [3]

 2 Chronicles 3:6 Revelation 21:19 Matthew 23:29

In  Job 26:13 (Heb. shiphrah, meaning "brightness"), "By his spirit the heavens are brightness" i.e., are bright, splendid, beautiful.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [4]

צָפָה, Tsaphah', in Piel, to Overlay (as usually rendered), e.g. with stones,  2 Chronicles 3:6; in a similar sense, κοσμέω, to adorn,  Revelation 21:19, which is used of decking with garlands,  Matthew 23:29; or of a Furnished apartment,  Matthew 12:44;  Luke 11:25). In  Job 23:16, the term is peculiar, שִׁפְרָה, Shiphrah', which Gesenius regards as a noun denoting Brightness, with which the heavens are clothed; although Fiirst, with many others, pointing שִׁפְּרָה, regards it as a Piel form of שָׁפִר, in the sense of arch, referring to the vaulted form of the sky. (See Astronomy).

Garrettson Freeborn,

a distinguished pioneer preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was born in Maryland August 15, 1752, was converted in 1775, and entered the Conference in the same year. In December, 1784, he was ordained elder by Dr. Coke, and volunteered as missionary to Nova Scotia. In 1788, with twelve young ministers, he opened the work of evangelizing Eastern New York and Western New England. From 1818 to his death, September 26, 1827, he mostly had the relation of Conference missionary. Mr. Garrettson was a very widely-useful minister. "He was among the earliest Methodist preachers of American birth, and, being active and zealous from the commencement of his ministerial career, his life and labors are intimately connected with the rise and progress of Methodism in this country." He preached in almost all the Eastern States, from Nova Scotia to the Gulf of Mexico, and on all his appointments many souls were converted and many churches built up. Although not a man of great learning, Mr. Garrettson was a man of vigorous mind and powerful character. He was imbued with fervor and zeal; and during fifty-two years he was one of the most laborious and efficient evangelists of the age. He died greatly honored and lamented. — Minutes of Conferences, 1:574;, Bangs, Life of F. Garrettson (N.Y. 12mo); Stevens, Memorials of Methodism, volume 1; Methodist Magazine, March, 1828; Stevens, History of the Methodist Episcipol Church. (G.L.T.)

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [5]

gar´nish ( צפה , cippāh , שׁפרה , shiphrāh  ; κοσμέω , kosméō ): The word is used twice in the Old Testament. In   2 Chronicles 3:6 , cippāh means "to overlay," or "to plate." Thus, he "garnished" the house or "overlaid" it, "studded" it, with precious stones, and thus adorned and beautified it. In  Job 26:13 , shiphrāh is a feminine noun meaning "fairness," "beauty," "brilliancy." "By his Spirit the heavens are garnished," i.e. the clouds are driven off by the wind or breath of Yahweh, and the sky made bright and clear.

In the New Testament ( Matthew 12:44;  Matthew 23:29 ) the word kosmeō means "set in order," "make ready," "adorn," etc. In  Matthew 25:7 it is translated "trimmed," and in   Revelation 21:19 "adorned."
