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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: σπουδάζω (Strong'S #4704 — Verb — spoudazo — spoo-dad'-zo )

"to make haste, to be zealous," and hence, "to be diligent," is rendered "endeavoring" in  Ephesians 4:3 , Av; Rv, "giving diligence." In  2 Peter 1:15 , Av, "endeavor," Rv, "give diligence." Both have "endeavored" in  1 Thessalonians 2:17 . See Diligence.

2: ζητέω (Strong'S #2212 — Verb — zeteo — dzay-teh'-o )

"to seek after," is translated "endeavor" in  Acts 16:10 , Av, Rv, "sought." See About (to be), Desire , Inquire , Seek.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): ( v. t.) To exert physical or intellectual strength for the attainment of; to use efforts to effect; to strive to achieve or reach; to try; to attempt.

(2): ( n.) An exertion of physical or intellectual strength toward the attainment of an object; a systematic or continuous attempt; an effort; a trial.

(3): ( v. i.) To exert one's self; to work for a certain end.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [3]

en -de´vẽr : The sense of this word has suffered weakening since the time of the King James Version. Then it implied utmost exertion and success; now rather forlorn hope and possible failure. Thus the Revised Version (British and American) reads "giving diligence," "give diligence," for the King James Version "endeavoring," "endeavor," in  Ephesians 4:3;  2 Peter 1:15 , respectively; but "endeavored" is suffered to remain in  1 Thessalonians 2:17 ( σπουδάζω , spoudázō , "hasten," "exert oneself"). Compare also  Acts 16:10 , the King James Version "endeavored," the Revised Version (British and American) "sought" (Greek zētéō , "seek").
