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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

Hirah . The Adullamite with whom Judah, according to the story of   Genesis 38:1-30 (J [Note: Jahwist.] ), appears to have entered into a kind of partnership in the matter of flocks. After Tamar had successfully carried out her stratagem, it was by the hand of his ‘friend’ Hirah that Judah sent the promised kid to the supposed qedçshâh Genesis 38:20 ff.).

Smith's Bible Dictionary [2]

Hi'rah. (a noble race). An Adullamite, the friend of Judah.  Genesis 38:1;  Genesis 38:12 and see  Genesis 38:20.

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [3]

 Genesis 38:1;  Genesis 38:12.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [4]

An Adullamite, a friend of the patriarch Judah.  Genesis 38:12 .

Holman Bible Dictionary [5]

 Genesis 38:1-12

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [6]

(Heb. Chirach', חַירָה , mobility; Sept. εἰράς), an Adullamite and friend of Judah ( Genesis 28:1;  Genesis 28:12; comp.  Genesis 28:20). B.C. cir. 1896-1876.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [7]

hı̄´ra חירה ḥı̄rāh Εἰράς Eirás   Genesis 38:1 Genesis 38:12 Latin Bible
