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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

Son of Laadan, a Gershonite Levite ( 1 Chronicles 23:8); in  1 Chronicles 26:21-22 the son of Jehieli, and so Laadan's grandson.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [2]

Ze'tham. (olive). The son of Laadan, a Gershonite Levite.  1 Chronicles 23:8. (B.C. 1043).

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [3]

Zetham . A Gershonite Levite (  1 Chronicles 23:8;   1 Chronicles 26:22 ).

Morrish Bible Dictionary [4]

Son or grandson of Laadan, a Gershonite.  1 Chronicles 23:8;  1 Chronicles 26:22 .

Holman Bible Dictionary [5]

 1 Chronicles 23:8 1 Chronicles 26:22

Easton's Bible Dictionary [6]

 1 Chronicles 23:8

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [7]

zē´tham ( זתם , zēthām , meaning unknown): A G ershonite Levite ( 1 Chronicles 23:8;  1 Chronicles 26:22 ). In the second passage Curtis holds that "the sons of Jehieli" is a gloss; he points the Massoretic Text to read "brethren" instead of "brother," and so has "Jehiel ( 1 Chronicles 26:22 ) and his brethren, Zetham and Joel, were over the treasures."

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [8]

(Heb. Zetham', זְתָם, prob. 1. q. Zethan [q.v.]; Sept. Ζεθόμ v.r. Ζοθομ, Ζηθάν, etc.; Vulg. Zetham, Zatham ), a grandson of Laadan, a Gershonite Levite ( 1 Chronicles 23:8), associated with his father, Jehiel or Jehieli, and his brother Joel, in charge of the Temple treasury ( 1 Chronicles 26:22). B.C. 1043.
