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Revision as of 04:16, 7 October 2021 by BiblePortalWiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Mainprise <ref name="term_141349" /> <p> (1): </p> <p> (v. t.) To suffer to go at large, on his finding sureties, or mainpernors, for his appearance at a day; - said of a pri...")
Mainprise [1]
(v. t.) To suffer to go at large, on his finding sureties, or mainpernors, for his appearance at a day; - said of a prisoner.
(n.) A writ directed to the sheriff, commanding him to take sureties, called mainpernors, for the prisoner's appearance, and to let him go at large. This writ is now obsolete.
(n.) Deliverance of a prisoner on security for his appearance at a day.