Wanton Wantonness Wantonly

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Wanton Wantonness Wantonly [1]

A — 1: Ἀσέλγεια
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(Strong'S #766 — Noun Feminine — aselgeia — as-elg'-i-a )

"lasciviousness, licentiousness," is rendered "wantonness" in 2 Peter 2:18 , AV; see Lasciviousness.

A — 2: Στρῆνος
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(Strong'S #4764 — Noun Neuter — strenos — stray'-nos )

"insolent luxury," is rendered "wantonness" in Revelation 18:3 , RV (marg., "luxury;" AV, "delicacies," not a sufficiently strong rendering).

B — 1: Στρηνιάω
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(Strong'S #4763 — Verb — streniao — stray-nee-ah'-o )

akin to A, No. 2, "to run riot," is rendered "waxed wanton" in Revelation 18:7 , RV, and "lived wantonly" in Revelation 18:8 . See Delicately , Note (1). The root of the verb is seen in the Latin strenuus.

B — 2: Καταστρηνιάω
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(Strong'S #2691 — Verb — katastreniao — kat-as-tray-nee-ah'-o )

an intensive form of No. 1, "to wax wanton against," occurs in 1 Timothy 5:11 .
