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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

SALASADAI . An ancestor of Judith ( Jdt 8:1 ).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [2]

sal - a - sad´ā́ - ı̄ (Codex Alexandrinus Σαλασαδαί , Salasadaı́  ; Codex Vaticanus Σαρασαδαί , Sarasadaı́ , Σαρισαδαί , Sarisadaı́ ): An ancestor of Judith ( Judith 8:1 ).

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [3]

(Σαλασαδαϊ v, v.r. Σαρασαδαϊ v, etc., a corruption from the Sept. Σουρισαδαϊ v, for Zurishaddai, in Numbers 1:6), a name given (Judges 8:1) as that of an Israelite, father of Samael, in the ancestry of Judith (q.v.).
