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Holman Bible Dictionary [1]

1 Kings 15:20ChinnerethChinneroth

Morrish Bible Dictionary [2]


Smith's Bible Dictionary [3]

Cin'neroth. 1 Kings 15:20. This was, possibly, the small enclosed district north of Tiberias, and by the side of the lake, afterwards, known as "the plain of Gennesareth."

Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary [4]

or CINNERETH, a city on the north-western side of the sea of Galilee; which, from it, is frequently called in the Old Testament the sea of Cinneroth: from which word, that of Genesaret, in the New Testament, is conjectured by Dr. Wells to have been framed.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [5]

sin´e -rōth ( כּנּרות , kinnerōth ). See Chinnereth .
