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== Holman Bible Dictionary == Ezra 2:17Nehemiah 10:18 == Hitchcock's Bible Names == == Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible ==

BEZAI 1 . One of those who sealed the covenant ( Nehemiah 10:18 ). 2 . The eponym of a family that returned with Zerub. ( Ezra 2:17 , Nehemiah 7:23 ) = Bassai of 1Es 5:16 .

== Morrish Bible Dictionary ==

One whose descendants returned from exile, and one who sealed the covenant. Ezra 2:17; Nehemiah 7:23; Nehemiah 10:18 .

== Smith's Bible Dictionary ==

Be'za-i. (conqueror). "Children of Bezai," to the number of 328, returned from captivity with Zerubbabel Ezra 2:17; Nehemiah 7:23; Nehemiah 10:18.

== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia ==

bē´zā̇ -ı̄ ( בּצי , bēcay , "shining"(?)):

(1) A chief who with Nehemiah sealed the covenant (Nehemiah 10:18 ).

(2) The descendants of Bezai returned with Zerubbabel to Jerusalem (323, Ezra 2:17; 324, Nehemiah 7:23 = Bassai, 1 Esdras 5:16).

== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature ==

(Heb. Betsay', בֵּצָי , probably the same name as BESAI; Sept. Βασσού, Βασί, and Βησεί, v. r. Βασσής, Βεσεϊ v, and Βησί ), the head of one of the families who returned from the Babylonian captivity to the number of 324, including himself (Ezra 2:17; Nehemiah 7:23). B.C. 536. He was perhaps one of those that sealed the covenant (Nehemiah 10:18). B.C. 410.


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