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Smith's Bible Dictionary [1]

Shim'rith. (feminine of Shimri, vigilant). A Moabitess, mother of Jehozabad, one of the assassins of King Joash. 2 Chronicles 24:26. In 2 Kings 12:21, she is called Shomer. (B.C. 839). See Shomer.

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [2]

2 Chronicles 24:26; SHOMER in 2 Kings 12:21.

Holman Bible Dictionary [3]

2 Chronicles 24:262 Kings 12:21

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [4]

SHIMRITH . See Shimeath.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [5]

See SHOMER No. 2.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [6]

(Heb. Shiimrith', שַמְרַית , femn. of Shimri, "'vigilant;" Sept. Σαμαρίθ v. r. σαμαρήθ and Σομαιώθ), an Ammonitess, and mother of Jehozabad, one of the assassins of king Joash (2 Chronicles 24:26); elsewhere (2 Kings 12:21) called SHOMER (See Shomer) (q.v.).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [7]

shim´rith ( שׁמרית , shimrı̄th , "guard," feminine): A M oabitess, the mother of Jehozabad, one of those that conspired against King Joash (2 Chronicles 24:26 ). Elsewhere (2 Kings 12:21 ) Jehozabad is described as the son of Shomer (which see), the same name without the feminine ending.
