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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

2 Samuel 23:26; 1 Chronicles 27:1; 1 Chronicles 27:9.

Holman Bible Dictionary [2]

2 Samuel 23:26

Hitchcock's Bible Names [3]

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [4]

IKKESH . The father of Ira, one of David’s heroes ( 2 Samuel 23:26 , 1 Chronicles 11:28; 1 Chronicles 27:9 ).

Morrish Bible Dictionary [5]

The Tekoite, father of Ira. 2 Samuel 23:26; 1 Chronicles 11:28; 1 Chronicles 27:9 .

Smith's Bible Dictionary [6]

Ik'kesh. (perverse). The father of Ira, the Tekoite. 2 Samuel 23:26; 1 Chronicles 11:28; 1 Chronicles 27:9. (B.C. before 1046).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [7]

ik´esh ( עקּשׁ , ‛iḳḳēsh , "crooked"): A T ekoite, father of Ira, one of David's "thirty" (2 Samuel 23:26; 1 Chronicles 11:28; 1 Chronicles 27:9 ).

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [8]

(Heb. Ikkesh', עַקֵּשׁ , perverse, as in Psalms 101:4, etc.; Sept. Ε᾿κκἰς, Ε᾿κκής, Ε᾿κκῆς ), the father of Ira the Tekoite, which latter was one of David's famous warriors (2 Samuel 23:26; 1 Chronicles 11:28), and captain of the sixth regiment of his troops (1 Chronicles 27:9). B.C. ante 1046.
