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== Fausset's Bible Dictionary ==

("pistachio nuts".) A town on the N. boundary of Gad (Joshua 13:26).

== Holman Bible Dictionary == Joshua 13:26 == Hitchcock's Bible Names == == Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible ==

BETONIM ( Joshua 13:26 ). In N. Gilead. The name may survive in that of the Butein district, the extreme N. of Gilead.

== Morrish Bible Dictionary ==

Town in Gad, east of the Jordan. Joshua 13:26 .

== Smith's Bible Dictionary ==

Bet'onim. A town of Gad, apparently on the northern boundary. Joshua 13:26.

== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia ==

bet´ō̇ -nim , bē̇ -tō´nim ( בּטנים , beṭōnı̄m  ; Βοτανεί , Botaneı́ or Βοτανίν , Botanı́n ): A town East of the Jordan in the territory of Gad (Joshua 13:26 ). It may be identical with Baṭneh , about 3 miles Southwest of es - Salṭ .

== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature ==

(Heb. Betonim', בְּטֹנִים, pistachio-nuts [comp. the botnim, Genesis 43:11, and the Arabic butm = TEREBINTH]; Sept. Βοτανίμ ), a town in the tribe of Gad, mentioned in connection with Ramath-mizpeh and Mahanaim (Joshua 13:26); probably identical with a ruined village Batneh (Robinson, Researches, 3, Append. p. 169), on Matthew Gilead, about five miles west of es-Salt (Van de Velde, Map).


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