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Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): (n.) One who practices the black art, or magic; one regarded as possessing supernatural or magical power by compact with an evil spirit, esp. with the Devil; a sorcerer or sorceress; - now applied chiefly or only to women, but formerly used of men as well.

(2): (n.) A cone of paper which is placed in a vessel of lard or other fat, and used as a taper.

(3): (n.) The stormy petrel.

(4): (n.) A certain curve of the third order, described by Maria Agnesi under the name versiera.

(5): (n.) One who exercises more than common power of attraction; a charming or bewitching person; also, one given to mischief; - said especially of a woman or child.

(6): (v. t.) To bewitch; to fascinate; to enchant.

(7): (n.) An ugly old woman; a hag.

King James Dictionary [2]


1. A woman who by compact with the devil, practices sorcery or enchantment. 2. A woman who is given to unlawful arts. 3. A winding sinuous bank.

WITCH, To bewitch to fascinate to enchant.

Ill witch sweet ladies with my words and looks.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [3]

Witch. See Divination; Magic.

Easton's Bible Dictionary [4]

Exodus 22:18 Mekhashshepheh Deuteronomy 18:10 Mekhashshepheth

Holman Bible Dictionary [5]

Divination And Magic

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [6]


Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [7]

is the rendering, in the A.V., at Exodus 22:18, of מְכִשֵּׁפָה (mekashshê phah, Sept. φαρμακοί ,-Vulg. malefici), and in Deuteronomy 18:10, of the masc. form of the same word (מְכִשֵּׁ )?, mekashshê ph, Sept. φαρμακός, Vulg. maleficus), which is elsewhere rendered "sorcerer" (Exodus 7:11; Daniel 2:2; Malachi 3:5).

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [8]

The fem., a sorceress, is found in ; the mas., a sorcerer or magician, in ; ; ; . In the New Testament 'sorcerer' occurs in ; .
