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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

(See ARMS.) Being of wood covered with leather, it might be burned (Ezekiel 39:9). In Nahum 2:3, "the shield ... is made red," the reference is to bull's hide shields dyed red to strike terror into the foe, or rather to the red reflection of the sun's rays from shields of bronze or copper, such as are found among the Assyrian remains. The surface was kept bright with oil, which preserved both the leather and the metal, Isaiah 21:5, "anoint the shield": Isaiah warns the Babylonian revelers to prepare for instant self defense; offensive arms are not mentioned, as Cyrus would take them by surprise in the midst of a feast (2 Samuel 1:21).

The shield was covered when not in use; Isaiah 22:6, "Kir uncovered the shield," i.e. took off for battle the leather cover which protected the embossed figures from dust or injury. In Psalms 47:9, "the shields of the earth belong unto God," the shields are the princes as protectors of their people (Hosea 4:18). Faith is our shield "above all" (Ephesians 6:16), i.e. to cover all that was put on before; but Sinaiticus and Vaticanus manuscripts read "IN all things." Faith will certainly intercept (not only "ye may," but "ye shall be able") and so "quench all the fire-tipped darts of the evil one" (1 Peter 5:9; 1 John 5:4; 1 John 5:18). Fire darts were canes with tow and combustibles ignited on the head. to set fire to wood and tents.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): (n.) To ward off; to keep off or out.

(2): (n.) To avert, as a misfortune; hence, as a supplicatory exclamation, forbid!

(3): (n.) A framework used to protect workmen in making an adit under ground, and capable of being pushed along as excavation progresses.

(4): (n.) In lichens, a Hardened cup or disk surrounded by a rim and containing the fructification, or asci.

(5): (n.) The escutcheon or field on which are placed the bearings in coats of arms. Cf. Lozenge. See Illust. of Escutcheon.

(6): (n.) A broad piece of defensive armor, carried on the arm, - formerly in general use in war, for the protection of the body. See Buckler.

(7): (n.) A spot resembling, or having the form of, a shield.

(8): (n.) To cover with, or as with, a shield; to cover from danger; to defend; to protect from assault or injury.

(9): (n.) Figuratively, one who protects or defends.

(10): (n.) Anything which protects or defends; defense; shelter; protection.

(11): (n.) A coin, the old French crown, or ecu, having on one side the figure of a shield.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [3]

Shield. The ordinary shield consisted of a framework of wood, covered with leather; it thus admitted of being burnt. Ezekiel 39:9. It was frequently cased with metal, either brass or copper; its appearance, in this case, resembled gold, when the sun shone on it, 1 Maccabees 6:39, and to this, rather than to the practice of smearing blood on the shield, we may refer the redness noticed by Nahum. Nahum 2:3. The surface of the shield was kept bright by the application of oil as implied in Isaiah 21:5.

The shield was worn on the left arm, to which it was attached by a strap. Shields of state were covered with beaten gold. Shields were suspended about public buildings for ornamental purposes. 1 Kings 10:17. In the metaphorical language of the Bible, the shield generally represents the protection of God: for example, Psalms 3:3; Psalms 28:7, but in Psalms 47:9, it is applied to earthly rulers and in Ephesians 6:18, to faith. See Arms.

Easton's Bible Dictionary [4]

1 Samuel 17:72 Samuel 1:211 Kings 10:171 Chronicles 12:8,24,34Isaiah 22:6Ezekiel 39:9Nahum 2:3

Used figuratively of God and of earthly princes as the defenders of their people (Genesis 15:1; Deuteronomy 33:29; Psalm 33:20; 84:11 ). Faith is compared to a shield (Ephesians 6:16 ).

Shields were usually "anointed" (Isaiah 21:5 ), in order to preserve them, and at the same time make the missiles of the enemy glide off them more easily.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [5]

1: Θυρεός (Strong'S #2375 — Noun Masculine — thureos — thoo-reh-os' )

formerly meant "a stone for closing the entrance of a cave;" then, "a shield," large and oblong, protecting every part of the soldier; the word is used metaphorically of faith, Ephesians 6:16 , which the believer is to take up "in (en in the original) all" (all that has just been mentioned), i.e., as affecting the whole of his activities.

Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [6]

The Lord is frequently pleased to call himself the shield of his people. (Genesis 15:1; Psalms 5:12; Psa 84:11) And most blessedly, with an eye to Christ, do the sacred writers speak in this language. (Psalms 18:1-2) And where Christ is indeed the shield, what weapon formed against his people can prosper? (Isaiah 54:16-17)

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [7]

A piece of defensive armor. God is often called the shield of his people, Genesis 15:1 Psalm 5:12 84:11 , as are also princes and great men, 2 Samuel 1:21 Psalm 47:9 . See ARMOR.

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [8]

Genesis 15:1 (a) The preserving and protecting care over His children is thus understood. Ephesians 6:16 (b) Here is an attitude of trust in the living GOD which preserves the heart of the child of GOD from injury by that which others say and do.

King James Dictionary [9]


1. To cover, as with a shield to cover from dasnger to defend to protect to secure form assault or injury.

To see the son the vanquish'd father shield. Dryden.

Hear one that comes to shield his injur'd honor. Smith.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [10]

SHIELD . See Armour Arms, § 2 ( a ).

Holman Bible Dictionary [11]

Arms And Armor

Morrish Bible Dictionary [12]

As a protection for the body, see ARMOUR.

Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary [13]

See ARMS .

Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament [14]

See Armour.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [15]

Copyright StatementThese

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [16]

Shield [ARMS]
