Johann Wessel

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Johann Wessel [1]

a Dutch theologian, was born at Emden, Oct. 20,1671, For some time he was Treacher and professor at Rotterdam. In 1712 he was called as professor of theology to Leyden, where he died, Jan. 16,1745. He is the author of, Dissertationes Sacrce Leid. ad Selecta quaedam V. et N.T. Loca (Leyden, 1721): — Nestorianismus et Adoptianismus Redivivus Confutatus, s. de Christo Unico et Proprio Dei Filio, non Metaphorico, Liber Sing. in quo Nestorii Pelagianizantis Veterumque Adoptianor. Sententia ex Veter monumentis Eruitur, etc. (Rotterdam, 1727). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1, 30, 191, 572, 645; F ü rst, Bibl. Jud. 3, 506. (B. P.)
