Bruno Bauer

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== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature ==

a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born at Eisenberg, in the duchy of Altenburg, Sept. 6, 1809. In 1834 he was private lecturer of theology at Berlin, and from 1839 to 1842 at Bonn, where, however, the venia docendi was taken from him on account of his Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte des Johannes (Bremen, 1840) and Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte der. Synoptiker (Leipsic, 1840, 3 vols.; 2d ed. 1846). After that he lived at Berlin, and died at Rixdorf, near Berlin, April 13, 1882. Bauer was a representative of the left Hegelian wing and an extreme rationalist. Besides the above-named works, he published, Kritik der Geschichte der Offenbarung (Berlin, 1838): — Kritik der Evangelien und Geschichte seiner Ursprungs (ibid. 1850-52, 4 vols.): — Kritik der paulischen Briefe (ibid. 1850-52, 3 pts.): — Christus und die Cdsaren (ibid. 1879): — Einfluss des englisheiz Quakerthums auf die deutsche Cultur (ibid. 1878): — Philo, Strauss, und Renan und das Ur christenthum (ibid. 1874). (B. P.)

== The Nuttall Encyclopedia ==

A daring Biblical critic, and violent polemic on political as well as theological subjects; born at Saxe-Altenburg; regarded the Christian religion as overlaid and obscured by accretions foreign to it; denied the historical truth of the Gospels, and, like a true disciple of Hegel, ascribed the troubles of the 19th century to the overmastering influence of the "Enlightenment " or the "Aufklärung " ( q. v .) that characterised the 18th. His last work was entitled "Disraeli's Romantic and Bismarck's Socialistic Imperialism" (1809-1882).


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