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Hotham [1]

(Heb. Chotham', חוֹתָם, a seal or signet ring, as in Exodus 28:12, etc.; Sept. Χωθάμ, Vulg. Hothanz), the name of two men.

1. One of the sons of Heber, the grandson of Asher ( 1 Chronicles 7:32). B.C. cir. 1658. He is probably the same with HELEM, whose sons are enumerated in 1 Chronicles 7:35, and grandsons in 1 Chronicles 7:36-37.

2. An Axoerite, and father of Shama and Jehiel, two of David's champions ( 1 Chronicles 11:44, where the name is Anglicized "Hothan," after the Sept. Χωθάν ). B.C. 1046.
