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International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [1]

ben´ja -mı̄t : One belonging to the tribe of Benjamin, such as Ehud ( Judges 3:15 ), Saul ( 1 Samuel 9:1 , 1 Samuel 9:2 ), Sheba ( 2 Samuel 20:1 ), Shimei ( 1 Kings 2:8 ), etc.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [2]

(Heb. prop. Ben-Yemini', בֶּןאּיְמַינַי, son of Jemini. 1 Samuel 9:21; 1 Samuel 22:7; 2 Samuel 16:51; 2 Samuel 19:17; 1 Kings 2:8; 1 Chronicles 27:12; "of Benjamin." Psalms 7, title; but simply Yemini' , יְמַינַי, in Judges 3:15; Judges 19:16; 1 Samuel 9:1; 1 Samuel 9:4; 2 Samuel 20:1; Esther 2:5; elsewhere the usual name Benjamin with some other prefix, (See Benjamin) ), the patronymic title of the descendants of the patriarch Benjamin (q.v.).
