Isaac Levin Auerbach

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Isaac Levin Auerbach [1]

a Jewish rabbi of Germany, was born at Inowraclaw, in the duchy of Posen, about the year 1785. His primary education he received, according to the custom of the time, in the Talmudic schools of his country.. At 'an early age he went to Berlin in order to acquire a more liberal education; For a long time he stood at the head of a Jewish girls' school at Berlin, and for over forty years was the leader of the Bruder Society. He was one of the first to introduce regular preaching into the German synagogues, and for over a quarter of a century he acted as preacher of the synagogue at Leipsic. He died at Dessau, July 5,1853.- He published, Sind dei Israeliten verpflichtet, ihre Gebete durchaus in hebraischer Sprache zu verrichten? (Berlin, 1818): — Die wichtigsten Anglegenheiten. Israels, erortert und vorgetragen in Prediten :(Leipsic, 1828, etc.). See First, Bibl. Jud. i, 72; Kayserling, Bibliothek judisher Kanzelredner, i, 19 sq. Philippson, Biogr. Skizzen, p. 189; Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums, 1853, p. 371; Zunz, Monatstage, p. 38. (B.P.)
