Webster's Dictionary [1]
(1): ( v. t.) To step or walk on.
(2): ( n.) Manner or style of stepping; action; gait; as, the horse has a good tread.
(3): ( n.) A step or stepping; pressure with the foot; a footstep; as, a nimble tread; a cautious tread.
(4): ( v. t.) To copulate with; to feather; to cover; - said of the male bird.
(5): ( n.) The act of copulation in birds.
(6): ( n.) The upper horizontal part of a step, on which the foot is placed.
(7): ( v. t.) To beat or press with the feet; as, to tread a path; to tread land when too light; a well-trodden path.
(8): ( n.) Way; track; path.
(9): ( v. i.) To copulate; said of birds, esp. the males.
(10): ( n.) A bruise or abrasion produced on the foot or ankle of a horse that interferes. See Interfere, 3.
(11): ( v. i.) To set the foot; to step.
(12): ( n.) The top of the banquette, on which soldiers stand to fire over the parapet.
(13): ( n.) The part of a wheel that bears upon the road or rail.
(14): ( n.) The part of a rail upon which car wheels bear.
(15): ( v. t.) To crush under the foot; to trample in contempt or hatred; to subdue.
(16): ( n.) The chalaza of a bird's egg; the treadle.
(17): ( v. t.) To go through or accomplish by walking, dancing, or the like.
(18): ( v. i.) To walk or go; especially, to walk with a stately or a cautious step.
King James Dictionary [2]
Tread, tred. pret. trod pp. trod, troden. L. trudo.
1. To set the foot.
Where'er you tread, the blushing flow'rs shall rise.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
2. To walk or go.
Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread, shall be yours. Deuteronomy 11
3. To walk with form or state.
Ye that stately tread, or lowly creep.
4. To copulate, as fowls.
To tread or tread on, to trample to set the foot on in contempt.
Thou shalt tread upon their high places. Det 33
Tread, tred. To step or walk on.
Forbid to tread the promis'd land he saw.
1. To press under the feet. 2. To beat or press with the feet as, to tread a path to tread land when too light a well trodden path. 3. To walk in a formal or stately manner.
He thought she trod the ground with greater grace.
4. To crush under the foot to trample in contempt or hatred, or to subdue. Psalms 44; 60 . 5. To compress, as a fowl.
To tread the state, to act as a stage-player to perform a part in a drama.
To tread or tread out, to press out with the feet to press out wine or wheat as, to tread out grain with cattle or horses.
They tread their wine presses and suffer thirst. Job 24
Tread, n. tred. A step or stepping pressure with the foot as a nimble tread cautious tread doubtful tread.
1. Way track path. Little used. 2. Compression of the male fowl. 3. Manner of stepping as, a horse has a good tread.