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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

SHAVSHA occurs in the list of David’s officers in 1 Chronicles 18:15 as ‘scribe’ (RVm [Note: Revised Version margin.] ‘secretary’), an office made necessary by the growth of the court and relations with other states. His name, and the fact of his father’s not being mentioned, make it probable that he was a foreigner chosen to deal with foreign correspondence. His name was evidently unfamiliar; in the list of 2 Samuel 20:25 it appears as Sheva; in that of 2 Samuel 8:15-18 (otherwise identical with Ch.) Seraiah has been substituted; LXX [Note: Septuagint.] varies greatly in all passages. It is generally held that Shavsha is correct. Apparently in Solomon’s time he was succeeded by his sons ( 1 Kings 4:3 Shisha being probably only another variation of the name).

C. W. Emmet.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [2]

Shav'sha. (nobility). The royal secretary, in the reign of David, 1 Chronicles 18:16 called also Seraiah in 2 Samuel 8:17, and Sheva in 2 Samuel 20:25, and, in 1 Kings 4:3, as Shisha. See Seraiah; Sheva; Shisha.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [3]

David's scribe or secretary. 1 Chronicles 18:16 . Apparently called SERAIAH in 2 Samuel 8:17; SHISHA in 1 Kings 4:3; and SHEVA in 2 Samuel 20:25 .

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [4]

David's scribe or secretary of state (1 Chronicles 18:16). SERAIAH in 2 Samuel 8:17. SHISHA in 1 Kings 4:3. SHEVA in 2 Samuel 20:25.

Easton's Bible Dictionary [5]

2 Samuel 8:171 Kings 4:31 Chronicles 18:16

Holman Bible Dictionary [6]

1 Kings 4:31 Chronicles 18:16Shisha

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [7]

shav´sha ( שׁושׁא , shawshā'  ; in 2 Samuel 20:25 , Kethı̄bh , שׁיא , sheyā' , Kerē , שׁוא , shewā' , English Versions of the Bible "Sheva," are refuted by the Septuagint; in 2 Samuel 8:15-18 , in other respects identical with Chronicles, "Seraiah" is found; the Septuagint varies greatly in all passages; it is the general consensus that Shavsha is correct): State secretary or scribe during the reign of David (1 Chronicles 18:16; 2 Samuel 20:25 ). He was the first occupant of this office, which was created by David. It is significant that his father's name is omitted in the very exact list of David's officers of state (1 Chronicles 18:14-17 parallel 2 Samuel 8:15-18 ); this fact, coupled with the foreign sound of his name, points to his being an "alien"; the assumption that the state secretary handled correspondence with other countries may explain David's choice of a foreigner for this post. Shavsha's two sons, Elihoreph and Ahijah, were secretaries of state under Solomon; they are called "sons of Shisha " (1 Kings 4:3 ), "Shisha" probably being a variant of "Shavsha."

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [8]

(Heb. Shavsha', שִׁוְשָׁא , nobility [Furst]; Sept. Σουσά v.r. Σούς, and even Ι᾿ησοῦς ), the royal secretary in the reign of David (1 Chronicles 18:16). He is apparently the same with SERAIAH (2 Samuel 8:17), who is called Σεισά by Josephus (Ant. 7, 5, 4), w and Σασά in the Vat. MS. of the Sept. Shisha is the reading of two MSS. and of the Targum in 1 Chronicles 18:16. In 2 Samuel 20:25 he is called SHEVA, and in 1 Kings 4:3 SHISHA.
